Sustainable Use of Biodiversity

Regional Workshops

In decision VII/12 (paragraph 5) the Conference of the Parties requested the Executive Secretary to convene a series of technical experts workshops on ecosystem services assessment, financial costs and benefits associated with conservation of biodiversity, and sustainable use of biological resources.

In response to this request, the Secretariat is organizing a series of technical expert regional workshops with financial assistance from the Government of the Netherlands. Three workshops were held to date. The Central and Eastern European Regional Workshop on the Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity took place in Moscow from 30 May to 2 June 2005, while the Latin American and Caribbean Workshop took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina from 13 to 16 September 2005.

In accordance with the request in decision VII/12, the Workshops focused on ecosystem services assessment, financial costs and benefits associated with conservation of biodiversity, and sustainable use of biological resources. Moreover, they provided a forum for government officials and practitioners to enhance their awareness and understanding of the Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines for the Sustainable Use of Biodiversity and promote the use of these guidelines in an integrated manner, as a contribution to facilitating the achievement of the 2010 target, sustainable development and poverty alleviation.

Participants in the Workshops were selected from among government-designated experts based on expertise, taking into account gender balance and geographical distribution. Representatives of competent intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations also participated as observers. They were invited to present case-studies on the sustainable use of biological resources in their home countries. Guidelines for the preparation of case-studies were provided to participants in advance of the Workshop. The case-studies were selected to cover a broad spectrum of resource uses and regional or local conditions.

The Central and Eastern European Regional Expert Workshop on Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity, in accordance with the mandate of decision VII/12 of the Conference of the Parties recommended that the case studies presented at the workshop be made available, through the clearing house mechanism of the Convention, for the participants as well as those who may be interested but who did not participate in the workshop.

The African Regional Workshop on Sustainable Use, the third regional workshop on sustainable use organized by the Secretariat, was held in Nairobi, Kenya from 12 to 15 December 2006. The workshop focused in particular on the applicability of the Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines to agricultural biodiversity in Africa as a contribution to the review of the work programme of the Convention by SBSTTA 13.

Central and Eastern European Regional Expert Workshop on Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity

1) «Assessment of the state and quantity of the Bear's ear populations - Arctostaphylos uva- ursi L. (Spreng.) in the Republic of Macedonia». Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Mr. Sashko Jordanov.

2) «State Nature Reserve “Koblen”, a biodiversity conservation site». Republic of Moldova. Dr. Adam Begu.

3) «Sustainable use and biodiversity protection in Poleski National Park (an example- meadow ecosystems)». Poland. Mrs. Marta Kobielas.

Host country presentations:

4) «Valuations of Ecosystem Services: Russian Experience». Russian Federation. Ms. M. Fomenko, Mr. Georgy Fomenko.

5) «Towards Sustainable use of Ecosystem Goods and Services: Economic Issues». Russian Federation. Ms. Renat Perelet.

6) «Ecological Indicators as an Instrument of Environmental Control». Russian Federation. Mr. Alexander Shehovtsov.


7) «A management program for Crocodylus porosus and Crocodylus johnstoni in the Northern Territory of Australia». Mr. David Lawson.

Latin American and Caribbean Regional Workshop on Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity

1) «Case Study: Conservation of two Bahamian hot pepper varieties».

(Outline). Bahamas. Dr. Kenneth Richardson.

2) «Regional presentation from Bolivia».

«Lineamientos generales del programa nacional de conservacion y aprovechamiento sostenible del lagarto (Caiman yacare) ». Bolivia. Dr. Mario Baudoin.

3) «CIMAs Irradiation centers of agricultural biodiversity management».

(Outline). Brazil. Dr. Rubens Onofre Nodari.

4) «Uso sustentable de un recurso costero Caso: Reserva Marina, La Rinconad (Ostion del norte, Argopecten purpuratus)». Chile. Mr. Leonardo Núñez Montaner.

5) «Uso, valoración y promoción de plantas medicinales, una estrategia nacional en Colombia».

(Outline) Colombia. Dr. José Antonio Gómez.

6) «Proyecto Nacional de Gestión Ambiental MARN/BM/GEF. Ecoservicios». El Salvador. Lic. Ernesto Lopez Zepeda.

(Part 1, Part 2, )

7) «Recursos biológicos colectivos: los casos de mezcales y maíces».

(Outline) Mexico. Mr. Jorge Larson Guerra.

8) «Resultados de la valoración económica de los recursos naturales del Parque Nacional Coiba – Método de transaferencia de beneficios».

(Outline) Panama. Mr. Eustorgio Jaen Nunez.

9) «Conservación in situ del amaranto en una zona Representativa de los andes meridionales occidentales». Peru. Ms. Maria Gloria Quispe Quispe.

10) «Sustainable Use Case Policy on Cassava: Manihot Eculenta». Saint-Lucia. Mr. Rufus Leandre.

Host country contributions and presentations:

11) «Sustentabilidad ambiental del proceso de expansión de la frontera agrícola en el Chaco Argentino». Argentina. Mr. Agr. Jorge Adámoli.

12) «Conservación y aprovechamiento sustentable del Loro hablador y otros psitácidos en La Argentina». Argentina. Mr. Ricardo Banchs, Mr. Flavio Moschione.

13) «Evaluación de servicios de ecosistemas y costos y beneficios financieros asociados con la conservación y uso sostenible de la diversidad biológica en agroecosistemas». Argentina. Mr. Andrea M. Clausen.

14) «Cambios en la biodiversidad, sus bienes y servicios ambientales, en ecosistemas de pastizal de la región pampeana argentina sujetos a procesos de agriculturización». Argentina. Mr. Néstor O. Maceira.

15) «Proyecto Piloto de Ordenamiento Territorial». Argentina. Mr. Jorge Adámoli.

16) «Proyecto Elé Aprovechamiento sustentable de psitásidos silvestres como alternativa económica para habitantes rurales del Chaco Seco Argentino». Argentina. Mr. Ricardo Banchs, Mr. Flavio Moschione.

17) «Conservación mediante Uso y Mejoramiento Participativo de Recursos Genéticos Animales». Argentina. Mr. Carlos Mezzadra.

18) «Impacto de los agentes de biocontrol sobre las comunidades microbianas». Argentina. Ms. Laura Gasoni et al.

19) «Uso sostenible de la Diversidad Biológica Agrícola y de los Sistemas Productivos (en el marco del CBD y FAO)». Argentina. Ms. Maria Elena Zaccagnini.

20) «Uso sostenible de guanacos en esquemas mixtos de producción en la estepa patagónica». Argentina. Ms. Julieta von Thüngen.

21) «El impacto de los subsidios agricolas en la sustentabilidad de la agricultura argentina». Argentina. Ing. Agr. Alejandra Sarquis.

22) «¿Porqué Monitoreo y Cálculo del Riesgo Ecotoxicologico para las Aves en Sistemas Productivos?». Argentina. Ms. María Elena Zaccagnini.


23) «Latin American and Caribbean Regional Expert Workshop on Sustainable Use of Biodiversity». Mr. Steve Edwards and the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.

African Regional Expert Workshop on Sustainable Use

1) <<Biodiversité et gestion durable des Ressources génétiques du maïs au Cameroun>>.

(Associated Map) Cameroon. Ms. Otti Colette Edith Ekobo

2) <<The Ethiopian Case on Sustainable Use of Agricultural Biological Resources>>. Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. Dr. Terefe Belehu Mekonnen

3) <<Sustainable use of Shea Tree in Côte d'Ivoire>>. Republic of Ivory Coast. Mr. Koffi Edmond

4) <<On- farm conservation of barley landraces in Morocco>>. Kingdom of Morocco. Mr. Saidi Seddik

5) <<Utilisation durable de la Diversité Biologique au Niger. Étude de cas : la rôneraie de Gaya>>.

(Text version in Word) Republic of Niger. Mr. Hassane Saley

6) <<Challenges in Maintaining Ex-Situ Field Gene Banks of Orchard Crops and Root Crops, Seychelles>>.

(Text version in Word) Republic of Seychelles. Mrs. Mermedah Moustache

7) <<Rôle des ressources phytogénétiques locales dans le développement agricole>>. Togolese Republic. Ms. Hadyatou Dantsey-Barry

8) <<Mainstreaming biodiversity conservation in agricultural industries at priority landscape initiatives>>. South-Africa. Mr. Jaco Venter

9) <<A Case Study on the Status and Use of Garcinia Buchananii in Uganda>>.

(Associated Map) Republic of Uganda. Mr. Francis Ogwal

10) <<Conservation and Sustainable Use of Taro (Colocasia esculenta and Xanthosoma sp) in Makoni district>>.

(Text version in Word) Republic of Zimbabwe. Mr. Kudzai Kusena

11) <<Animal genetic resources and pastoralism>>. Dr. Evelyn Mathias. Consultant

12) <<Sustainable Use of Agricultural Biodiversity: An essential aspect of natural resources management in agricultural ecosystems>>. Ms. Sally Bunning. United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization

13) <<Programme of Work on Below-Ground Biodiversity and related Ecosystem Services>>. Dr. Jeroen Huising. Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Institute of the Centro International de Agricultural Tropical / International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (TSBF-CIAT)

14) <<Opening Statement by Brent Swallow on behalf of the World Agroforestry Centre>>. Dr. Brent Swallow. World Agroforestry Centre. International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF)

(Opening Statement by Brent Swallow on behalf of the World Agroforestry Centre) Dr. Brent Swallow. World Agroforestry Centre. International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF)

15) <<Indigenous fruit use in Zimbabwe and Malawi>>. Dr. Dagmar Mithöfer. African Science for Food and Health

16) <<Maintaining Crop Diversity On-Farm>>. Mr. Toby Hodgkin, International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI)

17) <<Ecoagriculture: An Ecosystem Approach in Agricultural Landscapes>>. Mr. Seth Shames. Ecoagriculture Partners

18) <<Overview of the FAO - Government of Kenya Agrobiodiversity Programme>>. Ms. Sally Bunning and Mr. Michael Makokha. United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization

19) <<Community Led Actions in Biodiversity Conservation for improved livelihoods: The Case of Kikuyu Escarpment Forests>>. Mr. David Kuria. Kijabe Environment Volunteers (KENVO)


20) <<African Regional Expert Workshop on Sustainable Use of Biodiversity>>. Mr. Oliver Hillel, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity

Asia and the Pacific Regional Expert Workshop on Sustainable Use

(Dates and venue to be determined)