Subject to the exigencies of the meeting, it will only be possible to organize a limited number of side-events on the following dates:
- On 3, 4 and 5 April, evenings only (6:15 to 7:45 p.m.);
- On 6 and 7 April, lunch hour (1:15 to 2:45 p.m.) and evenings (6:15 to 7:45 p.m.).
Requests for side-events should be made using the
online system available on the Secretariat’s web site at:
http://www.cbd.int/register/side-events/manage.aspx?mtg=ABSWG-07. Requests will be processed on a first come, first-served basis. The deadline for the receipt of requests is
20 March 2009. Requests received after the deadline will not be considered.
Processed side-event requests (and up-to-date calendar) can be viewed on the Secretariat’s web site at:
http://www.cbd.int/register/side-events/list.aspx?mtg=ABSWG-07, prior to and during the meeting.
Organizers of side-events whose requests cannot be accommodated, due to meeting room constraints, are encouraged to consider combining their events with other relevant scheduled side-events, which can be viewed at the link provided above.
Subject to availability of rooms and provided that side-event requests are received before the set deadline of
20 March 2009, meeting rooms, equipped with LCD projectors and laptops, for PowerPoint presentations, are provided
at no cost to the side-events organizers. However, there may be a cost to the organizers when an event is scheduled in a room that does not already contain the required equipment. Should this be the case, organizers will be notified accordingly. It should be noted that side-events
may be rescheduled in the interests of official sessions of the meeting. Should such a situation occur, it is the responsibility of side-events organizers to advise the caterer accordingly.
A dedicated binder on side-events will be made available within the meeting venue. Please consult it upon arrival to schedule technical tests.
Organizers of side-events wishing to enquire/arrange catering for their events should
directly contact the UNESCO caterer namely, Mr. Jean Christophe Thoury
with a copy to Mr. Lionel Di Rico whose telephones, faxes and emails are as follows:
Mr. Jean-Christophe Thoury Telephone: +33 (0) 1 4568 1597
Fax: +33 (0)1 4568 5861
[email protected]
Mr. Lionel Di Rico Telephone: +33 (0) 1-4568-1599
Fax: +33 (0)1-4568-5861
[email protected]
It should be noted that food and drinks are not allowed in the meeting rooms.
Side-event organizers without internet access or experiencing difficulties using the online system mentioned above, can complete and address the attached form,
annex C by fax: +1-514-288-6588 or by email as a pdf attachment to
[email protected].