Main inputs |
Two documents emanated from the IV World Conference on Women: the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. These documents establish a strategy and responsibilities for State Parties. The Platform for Action warns that: “the human rights of women, as defined by international human rights instruments, will only be dead words unless they are fully recognized, protected, applied, and effectively enforced, at national legal and practical levels…” (Paragraph 218).
Strategic Objective K of the Beijing Platform for Action commits to securing the active involvement of women in environmental decision-making; integrating gender concerns and perspectives in policies and programmes for sustainable development; and strengthening or establishing mechanisms at the national, regional and international levels to assess the impact of development and environmental policies on women. |
Specific text |
Strategic objective K.1.
Involve women actively in environmental decision-making at all levels.
Point 253.Calls upon Governments, at all levels, including municipal authorities, as appropriate to take actions to be:
c) Encourage, subject to national legislation and consistent with the Convention on Biological Diversity, the effective protection and use of the knowledge, innovations and practices of women of indigenous and local communities, including practices relating to traditional medicines, biodiversity and indigenous technologies, and endeavor to ensure that these are respected, maintained, promoted and preserved in an ecologically sustainable manner, and promote their wider application with the approval and involvement of the holders of such knowledge; in addition, safeguard the existing intellectual property rights of these women as protected under national and international law; work actively, where necessary, to find additional ways and means for the effective protection and use of such knowledge, innovations and practices, subject to national legislation and consistent with the Convention on Biological Diversity and relevant international law, and encourage fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the utilization of such knowledge, innovation and practices;
Strategic objective K.2.
Integrate gender concerns and perspectives in policies and programmes for sustainable development.
Strategic objective K.3.
Strengthen or establish mechanisms at the national, regional and international levels to assess the impact of development and environmental policies on women.