Global Gender and Climate Alliance (GGCA)
GGCA is a unique network of 13 UN agencies and more than 25 civil society organizations working together to ensure that climate change decision-making, policies and initiatives, at all levels, are gender responsive.
a. Objectives
- Integrate a gender perspective into policy and decision making in order to ensure international mandates and other legal instruments on gender equality are fully implemented.
- Ensure that financing mechanisms on mitigation and adaptation address the needs of poor women and men equitably.
- Build capacity at all levels to design and implement gender-responsive climate change policies, strategies and programmes. The GGCA developed the Training Manual on Gender and Climate Change focused on the Bail Action Plan building blocks of mitigation, adaptation, technology, and finance.
- Share practical tools, information, and methodologies to facilitate the integration of gender into policy and programming.
b. General overview:
GGCA works to ensure that climate change policies, decision-making, and initiatives at the global, regional and national levels are gender responsive which is critical to solving the climate crisis. Establishes an effective working model that deploys top-down perspectives and bottom-up approaches in tandem
- UNDP serves as funds recipient, WEDO serves as administration framework and advocacy lead, and IUCN works diligently to implement a gender-perspective in national programmes
c. Publications/Reports
d. Online Resources