Gender inequality — A constraint to economic growth, biodiversity protection, poverty reduction and sustainable development: Linkages between MDG 1, 3, and 7
21 September 2010. United Nations, New York.
Building on these discussions and as support to the United Nations General Assembly resolution A//RES/64/289 which aims to help the UN system be accountable for its own commitments on gender equality, including regular monitoring of system-wide progress, the inter linkages between biodiversity, climate change and sustainable land management from a gender perspective, the Secretariat of the CBD and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) ,in partnership with the Government of Finland and the Millennium Challenge Corporation facilitated a luncheon discussion on Gender inequality - A constraint to economic growth, biodiversity protection, poverty reduction and sustainable development: Linkages between MDG 1, 3, and 7 on 21 September 2010 at the margins of the MDG Summit.
Report of the meeting
Background documents