The UN University is dedicated to the generation and transfer of knowledge, and the strengthening of individual and institutional capacities in furtherance of the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations.
The mission of UN University is to contribute, through collaborative research, capacity development, and advisory services to efforts to resolve the pressing global problems of human survival, development and welfare that are the concern of the United Nations, its Peoples and Member States.
Environmental Partnership office Hokkaido (EPO Hokkaido) makes bases promoting environmental conservation activity for the purpose of the formation of the sustainable society.
"What is MERRY for you?"
We have been asking this simple question to people all over the world and collecting their smiles and messages.
MERRY PROJECT is a communication-art project to spread the wave of MERRY under the theme of "Smile is a universal communication".
We believe each person that participates in MERRY minds and cares for the Earth in their smiles and their messages will link to each other across global borders.
「あなたにとってMERRY(楽しいこと、幸せなとき、将来の夢など)とは、何ですか?」 このシンプルな質問を世界中の人々に投げかけ、その笑顔とメッセージを集めています。
MERRY PROJECTは、「笑顔は世界共通のコミュニケーション」をテーマに、 MERRYの輪を広げていくコミュニケーションアートです。
笑顔とメッセージに込められた、一人ひとりのMERRYな想いと、 地球を大切に思う気持ちは、国境を越えてつながっていくと思います。
The Global Development Research Center is an independent non-profit think tank that carries out initiatives in the spheres of environment, urban, community, economy and information, and at scales that are effective. GDRC's foray into the theme of biodiversity began with the Kyoto Protocol and it's COP3 held in Kyoto in 1997. In order to highlight the interconnectedness of the 'Big Three' conventions - Climate Change, biodiversity and desertification, GDRC developed the "Trialogue" initiative, particularly focussing on the role of NGOs in the three conventions.
Japan committee for IUCN(IUCN-J) is the official national committee of IUCN(International Union for Conservation of Nature) and 23 IUCN member join (the secretariat and its office is provided by Nature Conservation Society of Japan).
IUCN-J play a role of enforcement of communication, public awareness work on IUCN and biodiversity issues as well as coordination for the synergies among IUCN member works.
In 2011, IUCN-J and all member of IUCN in Japan made decision for strong support of UNDB in our long term policy(2011-2020).