Qnatur.com promotes both, natural values of Spanish protected areas and companies committed to sustainability within their area of influence.
Spanish protected areas attract every year more than 20 million visitors who wish for new experiences in nature. At the same time protected areas are a source for highly demanded products, as traditional specialties linked to local knowledge, high natural value farming and agro-biodiversity. These facts have induced the development of economy linked to protected areas.
Qnatur promotes a change of attitude to incorporate protected areas as a relevant input to the life cycle assessment of business, thus contributing to landscape and biodiversity conservation.
(R)Evolution Let’s Change Now !
(R)Evolution is an Organization started by a group of individuals working towards Climate Change Mitigation measures, Wildlife Conservation, Social Service through various platforms.
We basically intend to provide opportunities for people who have so long awaited to work for a cause but couldn't come across an opportunity. Proper support and information are one of the most important factors to lead forward a change.
For an Individual, there should be means to acquire knowledge and apply it. We are here to provide them a platform to learn and execute their plans which would help them get an extra edge over others.
We believe in providing the best and promoting the cause for the benefit of the society and mankind.
Advocacy on the Awareness of Environmental Sustainability and Biodiversity
RE-C.R.E.A.T.E is the Second Phase of AIESEC Davao: Initiated Environmental Awareness Project. Also known as, The Re-Calling for the Restoration of the Environment by Awareness Through Exchange, is a series of events and programs participated by International Youth Volunteers from across the world aiming towards the inculcation of proper values and knowledge to Secondary Educational Institutions & Village Communities regarding the environmental issues of sustainability and biodiversity.
AFG Consultants
The AFG Consultants conducts its business activities with actions and vision for the future, trying to establish their values, the social and environmental responsibility and sustainability. As a responsible company and concerned with the current rates of emissions, and loss of biodiversity on our planet, and their resulting impacts, develop projects aimed at the development and application of methods, techniques and technologies that reduce emissions carbon through the use of renewable and efficient energy, sustainable processes, and with the preservation or restoration of forests. Using the carbon market to support these projects, we developed the design, development, approval, audit, and certification of environmental projects that generate credits or carbon offsets. We act as partners in each project from day one until the last day of duration of each project.
African Views
African Views (AV) is a nonprofit organization on a mission is to facilitate mutual understanding and value-based information from an African populist position to the world and from a constructive world view on African issues. The Organization’s program includes workshops and media advocacy - based on dialogues, learning, and action on African development strategies around the world. AV works in collaboration with accomplished professionals, minds and, and organizations from all over the globe advocating for the goals of safe, healthy, and prosperous societies. The AV framework consist of interdependent components such as strategic sharing of information on its AV radio programs, social media networks, workshops, print publications, conferences, written reports, AVTV, videos reports, directory of services, and community projects.
Our organization members and partners are individuals from a variety of cultural, professional, academic, and religious backgrounds, organizations, private and public institutions who are stakeholders in various scholastic and professional disciplines of human and societal developments. Some of our ongoing projects are African Cultural Exchange (ACE) programs for children and adults, panel discussions on health, environment, youth, women issues, economic, workshops and creating a worldwide directory of African programs. Our activities also include infrastructure and structural analysis on health, environment, economic wellbeing, and education improvement in Africa and countries with significant or minor presence of African Diaspora.
Aggregate Industries
We are a leading player in the construction industry, committed to creating a better built environment. We produce and supply a wide range of construction materials including aggregates, asphalt, ready-mixed concrete and precast concrete products. We also import and supply cement materials and offer a national road surfacing and contracting service. As a major supplier of materials to the construction industry we are very aware of the impact our products have on people, the environment and the economy. We contribute to more sustainable forms of construction in many ways. From replacing ingredients in our concrete and asphalt products with recycled or less carbon embodied alternatives, to the development and promotion of new innovative systems of construction, such as the use of concrete to maximize the thermal mass in buildings. We see our goal as creating better built environments not only through the provision of the highest quality and most sustainable materials, but also through working closely with our customers, clients and other partners in the supply chain to find the best solution.
ALDEBARAN Marine Research & Broadcast
Auf Deutsch siehe unten ALDEBARAN - Linking Science and Media: We proliferate and broadcast knowledge about the ocean as the most important and multifaceted, but simultaneously the least explored habitat on our blue planet earth. Since the 5th of June 1992, the research and media vessel ALDEBARAN from Hamburg’s environmental cross-media agency of the same name travels the oceans as the independent voice of the sea. On board the ALDEBARAN, scientists and journalists are, literally and figuratively, “in the same boat” developing strategies for appealing information processing for various electronic media and the public.
Deutsch Crossmedia-Agentur für Wissenschaft und Me€hr - Wir vermehren Wissen über den Lebensraum Meer und Wasser. Die Ozeane sind der wichtigste und vielfältigste, aber auch gleichzeitig der unbekannteste Lebensraum auf dem blauen Planeten Erde. Seit dem 5. Juni 1992 ist das Medien- und Forschungsschiff ALDEBARAN der gleichnamigen Organisation für Umweltkommunikation aus Hamburg als unabhängiges „Sprachrohr für die Meere“ unterwegs. An Bord der ALDEBARAN treffen Wissenschaftler auf Journalisten und entwickeln "im gleichen Boot" Strategien um Informationen für die elektronischen Medien und die Öffentlichkeit attraktiv aufzubereiten. Wir vermehren Wissen über den Lebensraum Meer und Wasser.
Current activities:
Amphibian Survival Alliance
The Amphibian Survival Alliance (ASA) protects amphibians and their habitats through dynamic partnerships worldwide. As the world’s largest partnership for amphibian conservation, the Alliance draws on cutting-edge research to protect amphibians and key habitats worldwide, in addition to educating and inspiring the global community to become a part of the amphibian conservation movement. Without immediate and coordinated action we stand to lose half of some 7,000 species of amphibians in our lifetimes.
Animal Rehabilitation and Protection Front
Animal Rehabilitation and Protection Front is a young and yet an established group that leaves no ground untouched when it comes to providing a better place for the animals to live in. We believe, it is all about respecting the nature and its creations. “Love is respect.” Love for the voiceless has been our driving force rendering us with a voice so bold and positive to fight for their well being. We ARE the "voice for the voiceless”. All our activities are intended to provide a better habitat for the animals. In doing so, we also bear in mind that any kind of animal abuse or attack is a punishable offence.
Aquazoo / Löbbecke - Museum
In the Aquazoo / Löbbecke - Museum the content of a zoo is consistently linked with the content of a natural history museum. Each of the 25 rooms has a particular topic. 450 different animal species in 80 aquariums and 60 terrariums, a tropical hall and more than 200 skeletons and models can be explored. Educational events focus on the observation of animals, ecology and biodiversity; numerous materials from the collections and living animals are presented hands-on. The institute is member of WAZA, ICOM, EAZA and VDZ and is as such committed to the conservation of biological diversity.
ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity
The ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) is ASEAN’s response to the challenge of biodiversity loss. It is an intergovernmental regional centre of excellence that facilitates cooperation and coordination among the ten ASEAN Member States and with relevant national governments and regional and international organizations on the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, as well as the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the use of such natural treasures.
- Video: Animals and Plants In Danger - To creatively educate a wide range of audiences on biodiversity conservation, the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) has produced a 10-minute animated video titled, Animals and Plants in Danger. The video focuses on endangered species in the ASEAN Member States and ways on how to save them from extinction. The video enumerates a number of critically endangered species in each ASEAN Member State. It also discusses destructive human activities that contribute to the worsening problem of biodiversity loss. The film ends with a call for action that is conveyed through a “wish list” made by the endangered species as their petition to humans. The video may be freely copied and distributed.
Asociación Civil para la Conservación de la Biodiversidad Venezolana
The Foundation for The Venezuelan Biodiversity Conservancy - ConBiVe it’s a Non-Profit Organization consisting of young entrepreneurs. It's Objective is the Biological Diversity Conservancy and Research, promoting the community participation and education for sustainable development. It carries out Scientific Research Projects and Conservancy programs of endangered species and habitats. Involving the local communities in environmental activities and incorporating citizens in developing a sense of belonging by the natural values from Venezuela.
Program (in Spanish)
Associacao Internacional para a Documentacao da Natureza
The International Association for the Documentation of Nature is a Non-profit Environmental NGO. It comprises a multidisciplinary team of biologists, filmmakers, musicians, designers and artists who come together for a common purpose: nature and wildlife conservation! Founded in March 2011 in Lisbon, Portugal, it has been developing several projects to raise awareness on various environmental issues. We focus our work mainly in Portugal and the Portuguese-speaking countries, where we have been working since the founding of the association. We work with several environmental organizations to let people know about their work related to nature conservation. We also aim to involve companies that want to promote environmental values or whose activity is related to Nature and who value good environmental practices. The synergies between us and those working to preserve nature play a vital role in our structure.
Association de l'Environment et Dévelopment Durable
Un mouvement composé de centaines de citoyens actifs et de centaines de salariés qui, combattent pour une nature préservée et un environnement de qualité.et un développement durable qui respecte les aspect écologiques ,économiques et sociales .sans modifier les spécifications vitale de notre région.
Association for Promoting Sustainability in Campuses and Communities
The Association for Promoting Sustainability in Campuses and Communities (APSCC) is founded to serve as an impetus, non-profit organization for sustainable development among the educational institutions and local communities in India. We do this by providing resources, initiating and promoting sustainable solutions at grassroots level in collaboration with a network of eminent sustainability professionals.
Aviornis International Netherlands
AVIORNIS INTERNATIONAL brings together devoted breeders of non-passerine birds. It is one of the most important organisations in Europe in its field with around 8.000 members in 6 European countries. Approximately 625 bird species are successfully kept by our members.
The objectives of Aviornis International are:
- To support and co-operate with other organisations on scientific programs to preserve bird species that have become nearly extinct.
- To stimulate (inter)national exchange of young birds in order to keep genetically healthy stocks of each species.
- To help our members with advice and information on the husbandry and breeding management of the wide diversity of bird species.
- To contribute, together with other international organisations, to scientific programs, aimed at the re-introduction of bird species that have become (locally) extinct due to natural catastrophes or other reasons.
Bhavan’s Nature & Adventure Centre
Bhavan’s Nature & Adventure Centre is a recently formed unit of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, a 75-year-old Educational organisation recognised by the Government of India as a Centre of Eminence. BNAC, spread on 2 acres green niche along a lake, harbours over 250 plant species, 55 bird species, 40 butterfly species and other living creatures.
We are now beginning our Environment Education & Awareness activity where we shall attempt to popularise the importance of Biodiversity. It will be a privilege for us to put up UNDB logo on our brochure for School Student Groups Fun-filled Educational Field-trips, starting right away....
This portal has been designed to provide information on biodiversity and climate change, recommendations, best practices, products, tools and news providing useful solutions and resources to help communities, companies and government with alternative options that can be implemented to avoid impacts and destruction creating sustainability for biodiversity. Biodiversidades.com offers an interesting mix of news promoting the conservation of biodiversity and green thinking, in addition be a major source of environmental information and opinion.
BioFOCUS is the first magazine online in Tunisia specialized in biology. Founded in 2012, by two Tunisian students, BioFOCUS brings to you everyday news about environment, science and technology and publishes interviews with authors, researchers and experts.
مرحباً بكم في أول مجلة رقمية مختصة في البيولوجيا في تونس.كونوا من السباقين لزيارة هذا الموقع الفريد من نوعه و المكتمل جدا.اكتشفوا جميع أبوابه على غرار البيئة،التكنولوجيا ،العلوم والمقابلات الحصرية مع مختصين و باحثين وصناعيين من هذا الميدان المهم في عصرنا هذا.
Biofutura A.C.
BioFutura A.C. aims to generate knowledge, preserve and protect biodiversity, promote and administer justice to protect the non-human animal’s rights and social assistance to vulnerable groups. Our mission is to develop scientific research, focusing our efforts towards biodiversity conservation through sustainable actions, promoting justice, life and freedom to living in harmony with the nature. Our vision it is to be a leader in cutting-edge actions for nature and biodiversity, justiciability and non-humans animal’s rights.
BioGIS section of Student Scientific Society of Naturalists
“Interactive Biodiversity Atlas of Morasko – New Approach in Management of Natural Environment”, it is the interdisciplinary project conducted by students interested in using GIS tools in the environmental management. Interdisciplinary, in case of our project means cooperation between members of particular sections of Student Scientific Society of Naturalists from our Faculty, who know methodologies to work and describe various types of organisms and objects (e.g. plants, insects, reptiles, zooplankton, small mammals). By collecting data about them and by using GIS techniques, we want to create online GIS map of biodiversity. Our atlas will be an useful tool to establish naturally valuable areas, endangered by anthropogenic factors.
„Interaktywny Atlas Bioróżnorodności Moraska – nowe podejście w zarządzaniu środowiskiem przyrodniczym” to interdyscyplinarny projekt realizowany przez studentów Uniwersytetu im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu zainteresowanych wykorzystaniem narzędzi GIS w zarządzaniu środowiskiem przyrodniczym. W przypadku naszego projektu interdyscyplinarność oznacza współpracę pomiędzy studentami należącymi do poszczególnych sekcji Koła Naukowego Przyrodników działającego przy Wydziale Biologii UAM, którzy pracują w oparciu o metodykę dostosowaną do poszczególnych grup organizmów (np. roślin, owadów, płazów, zooplanktonu, małych ssaków). Zebrane dane przy użyciu oprogramowania GIS posłużą do stworzenia internetowego serwisu mapowego bioróżnorodności. Nasz atlas będzie użytecznym narzędziem w ustanawianiu obszarów cennych przyrodniczo, a zagrożonych antropopresją.
BLUE BIRD is a local NGO located in Tokyo. Our aim is to conserve biodiversity as we believe that it is one of the biggest sources of interactions between living things on Earth. We work on promoting biodiversity conservation and raising awareness about its importance.
Bristol Conservation and Science Foundation
The Bristol Conservation and Science Foundation (BCSF) investigates conservation problems in the UK and the developing world and guides and supports communities in tackling their environmental issues. We undertake original research to provide insights to guide conservation action, and we raise awareness and support for this through our sister organisation, Bristol Zoo Gardens. BCSF empowers others to identify and alleviate issues that impact on species and habitat conservation and sustainable development, develops a body of knowledge from the projects we support and from the research we undertake, and engages actively with the public and scientific community, sharing knowledge, eliciting support and guiding behaviour change.
Canadian Biosphere Reserves Association
Biosphere reserves in Canada are ecologically significant regions that promote sustainability and conservation by engaging all community stakeholders. Recognized by UNESCO, they support research, share the resulting knowledge broadly and inform policy-makers. Biosphere reserves address one of the most challenging issues we face today: how to maintain the health of natural ecosystems while meeting needs of communities.