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PAN Parks Foundation

PAN Parks welcomes the declaration of the International Year of Biodiversity as we also look to the opportunities triggered by natural succession and ecosystem dynamics to protect global biodiversity. In PAN Parks Wilderness areas, the priority is protecting ecosystem dynamics and supporting the protection of biodiversity - ecosystem dynamics link.

Many examples of this could be provided so a page on our website will be devoted to providing a collection of case studies, interviews, articles on the relation of wilderness and biodiversity and the PAN Parks efforts to protect biodiversity through wilderness protection.

Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali

The Regional Museum of Natural Sciences of Aosta Valley plays a strategic role in the diffusion of scientific and naturalistic culture which is reached through the promotion of scientific research, in collaboration with universities, research centres and scientific associations, the collection and preservation of naturalistic specimens, the production of scientific publications and the promotion of educational initiatives.
The museum is currently closed for repairs of the structure and for renewal of preparations.

Il Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali della Valle d'Aosta gioca un ruolo strategico nella diffusione della cultura scientifica attraverso la promozione di attività di ricerca, in collaborazione con università, centri di ricerca e associazioni scientifiche, la collezione e la conservazione di reperti naturalistici, la produzione di pubblicazioni scientifiche e la promozione di iniziative didattiche e divulgative.
Il Museo è attualmente chiuso per lavori di restauro e rinnovo delle collezioni.


GiottoConsulting is a company that offers consulting services in the field of wine and wine-making. Thanks to its laboratory it is also able to provide to the costumers a complete service of wine analysis tests, also concerning cuts, additions and clarifications. Finally, with its agricultural tools and machinery, it can realize for the costumers all the agricultural operations needed during the cultivation of the vineyard.
Our philosophy
A great wine cannot be produced in the winery. The raw materials for the wine are created in the vineyard so it is here, from earth, that the wine derives its own, individual features. The winery procedures, guiding the restless young wine towards maturity, are closely related to the practices carried out in the vineyard: so we work to discover and become aware of all the things and processes hidden behind every environment. We want to understand its secrets and present it in its best appearance. The aim is to give voice to qualitatively unique wines that have to be sustainable not only for the territory of which they are ambassadors, but also for the people who take care of them, spending their time and resources. To do this we need a careful study that ranges from geology to microbiology, from the ecology and the physiology of the vine to tasting analysis, together with marketing considerations and the evaluation of all economical aspects.

Reef Check Italia onlus

Since its foundation in 2008, Reef Check Italia Onlus has been dedicated to saving marine biodiversity with a focus on marine protected areas. In particular, the organization works on the conservation of two ecosystems – tropical coral reefs and Mediterranean sea rocky reefs. By acknowledging that monitoring the state of coastal areas is essential to ensure conservation of this priceless heritage, Reef Check Italia Onlus organizes a network of volunteer recreational scuba divers and students from school from several degree. Divers and students are trained to monitor and report on the health of the Mediterranean coastal marine habitats and coral reefs both underwater and along the coastline. The network covers the entire Italian coastal profile, with some collaboration with other countries of the Mediterranean basin.

Fin dalla sua fondazione nel 2008, Reef Check Italia Onlus si dedica al salvaguardia della biodiversità marina con una priorità verso le Aree Marine Protette. In particolare l’organizzazione opera nella conservazione di due ecosistemi – i reef corallini tropicali e i reef rocciosi del Mediterraneo. Riconoscendo che il monitoraggio dello stato delle aree costiere è essenziale per assicurare la conservazione di questo inestimabile patrimonio, Reef Check Italia Onlus ha organizzato una rete di volontari subacquei e studenti di scuole di vario ordine e grado. I subacquei e gli studenti sono addestrati per monitorare e riferire sullo stato di salute degli habitat marini costieri del Mediterraneo e delle scogliere coralline sia sott’acqua che lungo le spiagge. La rete copre tutto il territorio marino costiero italiano ma ha avviato collaborazioni con altri peasi del bacino mediterraneo.

Uomo e Territorio PRO NATURA

Uomo e territorio PRO NATURA is an Italian charitable organisation and is partners of Pro Natura National Federation, the oldest Italian environmental organization (member of IUCN, member of EEB). We are a non-profit organization which stands up for the conservation of the nature heritage on many different levels, e.g. via special species protection projects, renaturation measures, conservation projects and lobbying governments to influence land use, policies that will allow nature to adapt to the challenges of climate change, nature protection, sustainable farming and a diverse and vibrant rural economy associated with locally branded produce and eco-tourism as well as political lobbying activities or environmental education. Uomo e Territorio PRO NATURA conservation programme is not only about making the countryside better for wildlife – but also about making the countryside better for people.