The Biodiversity and Tourism Network is a web-based platform established to foster dialogue between tourism practitioners and disseminate support for the implementation of the
Users' Manual on the Biodiversity and Tourism Development Guidelines. The network was launched as a partnership with the World Tourism Forum for Peace and Sustainable Development in Porto Alegre in December 2006.
The Network will not only serve as a repository for actionable information on implementing the guidelines, such as the Users' Manual but will also provide a virtual meeting point for members to capture, store and exchange knowledge to more effectively integrate biodiversity concerns within tourism strategies.
Members are able to
monitor the degree of their compliance with the Guidelines and
share and discuss experiences on how to use them to build successful tourism operations. As a result, the Network will allow participating projects to benchmark their operations. It will also allow visitors to access
case studies, gather information about some of the world’s most sustainable tourism destinations, and learn about other relevant initiatives.
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