SBSTTA 12 - Information for participants

Requests for side-events should be made using the online system available on the Secretariat’s web site at: and will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. The deadline for the receipt of requests is 15 June 2007.

Organizers of side-events whose requests cannot be accommodated are encouraged to consider combining their events with other relevant scheduled side-events. An updated calendar will be accessible at the Secretariat’s web site at:

Subject to availability of rooms and provided that side-event requests are received before the set deadline of 15 June 2007, meeting rooms, equipped with one LCD projector and a laptop, for PowerPoint presentations are provided at no cost to the side-events organizers. However, there may be a cost when an event is scheduled in a room that does not already contain the required equipment. Should this be the case, side-event organizers will be notified accordingly.

Organizers of side-events wishing to enquire about costs for catering should contact directly the UNESCO caterer namely, MM. Lionel Di Rico and Jean-Christophe Thourry whose telephone and emails are as follows:

Side-event organizers with no access to Internet or experiencing difficulties to use the online system mentioned above, could complete and address the attached forms, Annex C to the attention of:

Mr. Aballache Yesli
Conference Officer
Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
World Trade Center
413 St Jacques Street, Suite 800
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2Y IN9
Telephone (Direct line): +1 514 287 7043
Fax: + 1 514 288 65 88
E- mail: [email protected]

15. Other