WG ABS 6 - Sixth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing

WG ABS 6 - Information for Participants

15. Other

Weather and time zone information
In January, temperatures in Geneva usually range between a maximum of 4° C during the day and a minimum of -2° C at night. The standard time zone is GMT + 2 hours. For more information, please visit: http://www.meteosuisse.admin.ch/web/en/weather/detail_forecast/localforecasts.html

Voltage and type of pins
Voltage and frequency in Switzerland are the same as in most European countries (i.e. voltage: 220 V and frequency: 50 Hz). The two pins are 19 mm apart. This dimension is the same in most European countries. The image below shows a Swiss power outlet (not to scale).

N.B.: Participants are advised to bring their own adaptors should they wish to connect their laptops at the meeting venue and/or the hotels.

The Swiss Franc is the currency of Switzerland. The Swiss Franc is available in banknotes, which bear the value of 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, or 1000 Francs. The current exchange rate for the Swiss Franc is 1 CHF = 0, 85 US Dollar and 1 CHF = 0, 60 Euro. Facilities for currency exchange are readily available in banks and hotels.