Forest Biodiversity Forest Biodiversity About Forest Biodiversity What is Forest Biological Diversity? What's the Problem?Why Does it Matter?What Needs to be Done? Programme Background COP DecisionsProgramme of WorkProgrammatic Links Implementation Forest Ecosystem Restoration Initiative Current ActivitiesTools and GuidelinesCase StudiesNational and Thematic ReportsJoint ITTO – CBD InitiativePartnersREDD+REDD+ e-Newsletter Related Information Meetings and Documents PublicationsNotifications Forest Biodiversity // COP Decisions Thursday // 1.27.2011 COP Decisions Decisions on forest biological diversityAddressed to PartiesAddressed to the SecretariatAddressed to SBSTTAFinancial mechanism and resourcesCooperation with other conventions and organizationsOther relevant decisions Financial mechanism and resources Guidance to the financial mechanism Decision IV/7 paragraphs 5, 6, 7, 8 Forest biological diversityDecision IV/13 paragraphs 4 Additional guidance to the financial mechanismDecision V/13 paragraph 2(b)(iii) Further guidance to the financial mechanismDecision VI/17 paragraph 10(c) Financial mechanism under the Convention Other financial resources Decision IV/7 paragraph 5 Forest biological diversityDecision VI/22 paragraphs 16, 17, 20 Forest biological diversityDecision X/36 paragraph 9 Forest biodiversity
Forest Biodiversity // COP Decisions Thursday // 1.27.2011 COP Decisions Decisions on forest biological diversityAddressed to PartiesAddressed to the SecretariatAddressed to SBSTTAFinancial mechanism and resourcesCooperation with other conventions and organizationsOther relevant decisions Financial mechanism and resources Guidance to the financial mechanism Decision IV/7 paragraphs 5, 6, 7, 8 Forest biological diversityDecision IV/13 paragraphs 4 Additional guidance to the financial mechanismDecision V/13 paragraph 2(b)(iii) Further guidance to the financial mechanismDecision VI/17 paragraph 10(c) Financial mechanism under the Convention Other financial resources Decision IV/7 paragraph 5 Forest biological diversityDecision VI/22 paragraphs 16, 17, 20 Forest biological diversityDecision X/36 paragraph 9 Forest biodiversity