Agricultural Biodiversity

Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA): Documents and Recommendations

The Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) provides the Conference of the Parties (COP) and, as appropriate, its other subsidiary bodies, with timely advice relating to the implementation of the Convention. As a subsidiary body of the COP, SBSTTA is to report regularly to the COP on all aspects of its work. Multidisciplinary and open to participation by all Parties, SBSTTA comprises government representatives competent in the relevant field of expertise.

SBSTTA Recommendations

Recommendation XIV/10: Agricultural biodiversity: Follow-up to requests of the Conference of the Parties in decision IX/1

Recommendation XIII/1: Review of implementation of the programme of work on agricultural biodiversity

Recommendation XII/7: Biodiversity and biofuel production

SBSTTA Documents

These documents can be found in other UN languages on the SBSTTA web page.

Agricultural Biodiversity - Biofuels and Biodiversity: Consideration of Ways and Means to Promote the Positive and Minimize the Negative Impacts of the Production and Use of Biofuels on Biodiversity

Agricultural Biodiversity - Biofuels and Biodiversity: Consideration of Ways and Means to Promote the Positive and Minimize the Negative Impacts of the Production and Use of Biofuels on Biodiversity (Corrigendum 1)

Agricultural Biodiversity - Biofuels and Biodiversity: Consideration of Ways and Means to Promote the Positive and Minimize the Negative Impacts of the Production and Use of Biofuels on Biodiversity (Corrigendum 2)

New and Emerging Issues Relating to the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity - Biodiversity and Liquid Biofuel Production
Access the Biofuel Electronic Forum