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Kölner Zoo

Education is a fundamental role of the modern zoo and aquarium and a key mission area that all EAZA members must be actively engaged in, whatever their size or resources. The overarching goal of education in EAZA institutions is, beside the classical education, to contribute to the conservation of a viable and functioning biodiversity, a biodiversity that provides humanity with the air we breathe, the food we eat and the materials with which we build and power our homes. All education in zoos and aquariums contributes to an Education for Sustainable Development.

The lesson about living animals includes technical and biological, as well as social and cultural aspects. Through targeted observations and learning with all senses, students can get insights into the biological basis. Through the study of the living animal, its needs, achievements and adaptations, its behaviour, habitat, its development, ecological importance, vulnerability and its conservation the students will develop a better understanding of nature. The students will feel themselves part of nature and understand, that an intact nature is the base of human life.