If you are organising an event to celebrate the International Year of Biodiversity, we encourage you to share your activities with us and everyone in your country. If you wish to see the information below in your official language, please send us a translation (.doc or .pdf) at [email protected].
If you have videos and photos of your celebrations of the International Year of Biodiversity, please send them to us!
National Celebrations
Brazil's Final Report for the International Year of Biodiversity 2010 (In English) In Portuguese
Feira Cultural Informers O intuito deste blog é informar os alunos, pais, professores e funcionários do Colégio Guilherme de Almeida sobre o tema da nossa Feira Cultural - Biodiversidade 2010. Os textos aqui presentes são traduções de textos internacionais, em inglês, publicados no site oficial do evento (www.cbd.int/2010). De modo geral, você encontrará aqui a tradução de algumas notícias, parceiros do projeto, espécies animais e vegetais e também, curiosidades. Aceitamos sugestões, elogios e críticas. Blog
Quem foi que teve a ideia de jirico de chamar a natureza de biodiversidade? Bom, não sei bem quem foi... mas desconfio que foi uma galera interessada em dar um status diferente ao que faziam e valorizar a coisa toda. Inclusive valorizar a ideia de diversidade. A questão, porém, é que com isso a natureza se tornou algo distante, deixou definitivamente a cabeça das pessoas, se tornou só um cenário. A gente aqui quer mostrar que a natureza, mesmo travestida de biodiversidade, está presente em todos os aspectos de nossas vidas e que há uma enorme biodiversidade ligada a cada um dos produtos que consumimos. Em tempo: jirico também é biodiversidade!
2010 Ano International da Biodiversidade, Lançamento regional é feito em Carazinho
Annual Report of the Associated Schools of UNESCO (NET)
Edições SM, a publisher of educational books, is producing promotional material that will be distributed to education professionals. This material contains a 2010 calendar, a notebook and an agenda.
Edições SM, editora de livros didáticos, esta produzendo material promocional que será distribuído aos profissionais da educação. Estes materiais contém um calendário de 2010, um notebook e uma agenda.
Past Events
A Associação dos Amigos do Meio Ambiente (AMA), uma organização não-governamental criada em 1985 trabalha na área da conservação da natureza, estará realizando durante o lançamento regional da campanha para a ONU em 2010 - Ano Internacional da Biodiversidade, no dia 14 Abril de 2010, na cidade de Carazinho, Rio Grande do Sul AMA Website
The Association of Friends of the Environment (AMA), non-governmental organization established in 1985 and working in the area of nature conservation, will be performing at the regional launch of the campaign for the UN in 2010 - International Year of Biodiversity, on 14 April 2010, the city of Carazinho, Rio Grande do Sul AMA Website
05 August 2010. The launch of the Entrepreneurial Movement for the Protection and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity at Fundacao Getulio - FGV in São Paulo, in the presence of Minister of the Environment Isabela Teixeira. Report English - Portuguese.
Academic Week of School of Biological Sciences, University of Cruz Alta The event is a promotion for students and teachers of the Course of Biological Sciences, University of Cruz Alta, whose theme will be "Conservation of Biodiversity. Click here to download the photos of this event (842 kb). |
Lançamento da Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural Municipal – Instituto Menino Deus Photos (760kb) |
A biodiversidade da Serra Gaúcha se exibe This exhibition will take place at the Universidade de Caxias do Sul from September 15th - 30th. |
Seminario Turismo em Vila Maria Photos |
I Semana Acadêmica das Ciências Biológicas da UFSM de Palmeira das Missões Photos |
Biologandos 2010. Universidade Nove de Julho - Uninove Photos |
Hdom Engenharia e Projetos Ambientais
Hdom Engenharia e Projetos Ambientais, aware of global concern in relation to climate and its changes, seeks to help governments, companies and individuals to act locally to minimize the environmental impacts of their activities. Given this context, Hdom wants to assist in the use of carbon in a pragmatic way to keep the forest standing through REDD. With a highly qualified and experienced team in the planning and execution of forest inventories that aims to determine the stock of carbon in the Amazon region, Hdom processes the data and prepares the PDD for the subsequent generation of carbon credits for the voluntary market.
A Hdom Engenharia e Projetos Ambientais, ciente da preocupação mundial em relação ao clima e suas mudanças, busca auxiliar governos, empresas e indivíduos a agir localmente de modo a minimizar os impactos ambientais de suas atividades. Diante deste contexto, a Hdom deseja auxiliar a utilização do carbono de forma pragmática de modo a manter a floresta em pé, por meio da modalidade REDD. Com uma equipe altamente especializada e com experiência no planejamento e execução de inventários florestais para determinação do estoque de carbono na região amazônica, a Hdom processa os dados e elabora o DCP para posterior geração de créditos de carbono para o mercado voluntário.
Instituto Biotrópicos
Instituto Biotrópicos is an environmental NGO, established in Brazil in 2003, recognized by the Brazilian federal government as a Research Institute. Our mission is to develop and spread out knowledge about biological diversity, seeking scientific development, socio-environmental education and nature conservation.
Our institutional objectives are: - Development of research projects focused on biodiversity inventories, natural history, ecology, conservation, biology and environmental education;
- Provision of scientific information to guide conservation strategies, biodiversity management actions and public policies;
- Formation of human resources to act in research and biodiversity conservation;
- Promotion of partnerships with private organizations with focus on socio-environmental development.
Instituto EcoFaxina
The Instituto EcoFaxina is a non governmental and non-profit organization that conducts various voluntary cleanup and environmental education actions in the coastal and marine waters off the coast of State of Sao Paulo. Actions are a way to alert nearby communities, especially the estuarines areas, where it is common to have piles and slums polluting the mangroves with solid waste and sewage.
Instituto Orbis de Proteção e Conservação da Natureza
The Orbis Institute for Nature Protection and Conservation is an environmental NGO from Caxias do Sul, State of Rio Grande do Sul, whose mission is "To integrate human being to the environment to harmonize that coexistence" considering the current distance from Nature by urban people. We work primarily with broad-spectrumenvironmental education and ecological research.
O Instituto Orbis de Proteção e Conservação da Natureza é uma ONG ambientalista de Caxias do Sul, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, que tem por missão “Integrar o ser humano ao Meio Ambiente harmonizando essa convivência” haja vista o atual distanciamento da Natureza por parte das pessoas urbanas. Trabalhamos essencialmente com Educação Ambiental de largo espectro e com pesquisa ecológica.
Museum of Sciences and Technology of the Rio Grande do Sul University
The primary goal of the MCT is to awaken the scientific spirit, stimulate curiosity, and make science fun. The permanent exhibits include more than 800 interactive experiments that give visitors a fun and exciting way to learn about natural phenomena and man's relationship with the world. The MCT building is composed of five floors and two mezzanines totaling 17,500 m2. Exhibits are distributed on the three top floors and two mezzanines and are designed for all ages and levels of interest. The first underground floor is dedicated to administration, laboratories, and project development workshops. The second underground floor houses the scientific collections and includes miscellaneous storage space. The Museum of Sciences and Technology possesses numerous Sectors with associated scientific collections and laboratories. In these laboratories Museum scientists and support staff carry out collection maintenance, prepare specimen loans, and conduct research. Many undergraduate and, especially, graduate students carry out their thesis research in these Sectors. The MCT includes the following Sectors: Archeology, Paleontology, Fishes, Birds, Amphibians and Reptiles, Crustaceans, Molluscs, Insects, Spiders and Myriopods, and Herbarium.
Planeta Sustentável
Planeta Sustentável (Sustainable Planet, in English) is a Special Media Project, which involves 38 titles from Abril Group, including: National Geographic Brasil; VEJA, the world’s third largest weekly news magazine; and Exame, the largest and most influential business magazine in Brazil.
Projeto Filosoclics®Mantiqueira
The filosoclics®Mantiqueira Project is aimed to bringing nature and the inhabitants of great urban centers closer. It also promotes helpful data for conservational purposes. We will introduce species of fauna and flora, specially birds, through a photographic mapping. The area of study comprises the region between Gonçalves and Sapucaí-Mirim cities in the State of Minas Gerais and São Bento do Sapucaí City, in the state of São Paulo, all part of Serra da Mantiqueira. It belongs to the ecological corridor of the Serra do Mar, a hotspot or prior area inside the Brazilian Atlantic RainForest (Mata Atlântica) for the conservation of flora species as well as an IBA (Important Bird Área – for the conservation of bird species).
We work hard to spread the culture of sustainability. We believe that the more people aware about the importance of this theme in the routine of their lives, soon we will have a world more balanced and fair. We believe that just as there was the “Iluminism” in the late 17th century now is the time for a new awareness.