Guidelines for National Clearing-House Mechanism Websites


This information on this page is intended for National Focal Points (NFP) to the Clearing-House Mechanism (CHM) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). The Clearing-House Mechanism is the information exchange platform of the Convention consisting of the CBD Website together with the network of national CHM websites.

Each national CHM website can significantly contribute to the promotion and impact of the International Year of Biodiversity (IYB) at the national level. Here are a few general guidelines for such a contribution.

  1. Setup a prominent link to the IYB website ( on the home page of each national CHM website by using the 2010 logo.

  2. Disseminate the main slogan (biodiversity is life. Biodiversity is our life) and the four key messages on the national CHM website, as described in the Communications Guidelines.

  3. Use the /2010 folder of the national CHM website for national information on the International Year of Biodiversity.

  4. Display a list of national celebrations and other biodiversity-related initiatives taking place in your country on this page.

  5. Provide a visually attractive description of each item, with photos and videos.

  6. Contact the CBD Secreatariat at [email protected] for further details and guidance, including on how to establish automated information exchange mechanisms.