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2024-096 (SCBD/SSSF/JL/OR/QC/TM/91820)
Notification to: CBD national focal points, ABS focal points, Cartagena Protocol focal points, SBSTTA focal points, TK focal points, indigenous peoples and local community organizations, and relevant organizations
Selected representatives of indigenous peoples and local communities to receive funding for their participation in the Fifth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation, the Sixteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity and the concurrent meetings of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meetings of the Parties to the Cartagena and Nagoya Protocols
Subject(s): Traditional Knowledge, Innovations and Practices - Article 8(j)
2024-088 (SCBD/SSSF/JL/OR/QC/TM/91794)
Notification to: CBD national focal points, TK focal points, ABS focal points, indigenous peoples and local community organizations, and other relevant organizations
Advisory Selection Committee for the operation of the Voluntary Funding Mechanism to facilitate the participation of indigenous peoples and local communities in the work of the Convention on Biological Diversity
Subject(s): Traditional Knowledge, Innovations and Practices - Article 8(j)
2024-071 (SCBD/SSSF/JL/OR/QC/TM/91794)
Notification to: CBD national focal points, TK focal points, ABS focal points, indigenous peoples and local community organizations, and other relevant organizations
Call for nominations for the Advisory Selection Committee for the operation of the Voluntary Funding Mechanism to facilitate the participation of indigenous peoples and local communities in the work of the Convention on Biological Diversity
Subject(s): Traditional Knowledge, Innovations and Practices - Article 8(j)
Action required by 2024-07-22
2024-040 (SCBD/SSSF/PBU/JL/OR/QC/TM/91510)
Notification to: CBD national focal points, SBSTTA focal points, Cartagena Protocol focal points, ABS focal points, TK focal points, indigenous peoples and local communities, and relevant organizations
Informal Dialogue on a new programme of work and institutional arrangements on Article 8(j) and other provisions of the Convention related to indigenous peoples and local communities
Subject(s): Traditional Knowledge, Innovations and Practices - Article 8(j)
Action required by 2024-05-15
2024-032 (SCBD/SSSF/JL/OR/QC/TM/91510)
Notification to: CBD national focal points, SBSTTA focal points, TK focal points, indigenous peoples and local community organizations, and relevant organizations
Selected representatives of indigenous peoples and local communities to receive funding for their participation in the Twenty-sixth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice and the Fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation
Subject(s): Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice, Subsidiary Body on Implementation, Traditional Knowledge, Innovations and Practices - Article 8(j)