If you are organising an event to celebrate the International Year of Biodiversity, we encourage you to share your activities with us and everyone in your country. If you wish to see the information below in your official language, please send us a translation (.doc or .pdf) at [email protected].
If you have videos and photos of your celebrations of the International Year of Biodiversity, please send them to us!
National Celebrations
Biodiversity Foundation - Fundación Biodiversidad Talk about Biodiversity. Habla de Biodiversidad. Watch it on Youtube
- This will be the first big European-wide event for the International Year of Biodiversity.
- “Delivering biodiversity targets: 2010 and beyond -Protected Areas and Ecological Networks in Europe”
- MK & Communication company located in Madrid is developing an ambitious programme for the International Year of Biodiversity consisting of a travelling road show for children that demonstrates and teaches young children about the value of biodiversity.
Obra Social y Cultural de Caja de Burgos (Burgos - Valladolid - Palencia) Actividades 2010 y sitio web
Sagrado Corazón School At the Sagrado Corazón School in Ferrol, Spain, we have an ambitious educational environmental project: the Nature Voice Project, on the care of the aquatic ecosystems that we realize in our school, and which was recognized as last year's best environmental project of our autonomous region, Galicia. We would like you to collaborate with us by supporting the Project. The objective is that our students discover the marine biodiversity through a variety of activities, designed specifically for each age group, the history, the wealth of the landscape , the flora and fauna of our estuary in Ferrol and the coastal ecosystem of our Atlantic coasts, and to work towards its recovery and development.
Exposición virtual - 2010 Biodiversidad (PDF 48mb). Informative Exhibition, 16 panels which combine text and images covering the biodiversity from an educational point of view. Available only in Spanish. Exposición de carácter divulgativo constituida por 16 paneles, incluido el cartel de la exposición, que combinan texto e imágenes, y recorre el concepto de biodiversidad desde un punto de vista didáctico. More information in Spanish can be found by visiting the following site: http://www.2010biodiversidad.es. |
Recycling for the conservation of Biodiversity. More then 200 students in the Monte Anaor and the Nuestra Señora del Carmen Scholar Centre of Alguazas took part in two activities coordinated by the Environmental Department of Alguazas. |
Resolution adopted by Secretaría General Rivas-Vaciamadrid after the plenary session on 27 may 2010 to contribute to the International Year of Biodiversity (ES).
Seminar on Water, Environment and Sustainable Human Development The seminar on "Water, Environment and Sustainable Human Development in the Mediterranean", which took place in Barcelona, Spain on the 29th and 30th of June, and was organized by the Centre for the Cooperation in the Meditteranean, in collaboration with the Spanish Red Cross, and with the support of Spanish Ministry of Environment, the City Council of Barcelona, the MENA Zone of the International Federation of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent, the Regional Activity Centre for Cleaner Production, the Department of Environment of the Spanish Red Cross and the “la Caixa” Foundation. Click here to download the Report or the Official Program of this event English - Castellano - Català Watch it on Youtube
Habla de Biodiversidad Engagement campaign by La Fundación Biodiversidad. Campaña creada por Fundación Biodiversidad la cual fue fundada por el Gobierno de España en el año 1998 para contribuir a la conservación y el uso sostenible de la biodiversidad. |
Young scientists from UNESCO Associated Schools (ASPnet) explore biodiversity Biodiversity and Sustainability was the subject of the 12th International Meeting of Young Scientists of the UNESCO Associated Schools, held in Santarém, Portugal, from 13 to 16 January. The meeting brought together 55 ASPnet students and teachers from 4 countries (Andorra, Portugal, Spain and United States of America) to launch the 2010 International Year of Biodiversity with students and a teacher from each country presenting their research on topics including Evolution, Biodiversity and Sustainability, Sustainability of the Systems of Animal Production, Public Health and Fight Against Poverty and Protected Areas and Biodiversity Maintenance. For more information: Article
iBotanika lanza el primer directorio internacional de árboles singulares y lugares con interés botánico Press release in Spanish |
Apiculture in Galicia
Apiculture in Galicia, a thousand-years-old tradition Numerous constructions made of stone, today an integral part of the Galician (North of Spain) landscape as well as its cultural heritage, bear witness of the activity evolved around beekeeping. We intend to offer a portrait of apiculture in Galicia, from its traditions to its modern day features, highlighting the especial connection between beekeeping and local environment. Objetive: Develop a mulifunctional beekeeping with pluriactive beekeepers linking the future of the bee with the future of environment.
Asociación Vecinal para el Desarrollo Sostenible del Garruchal
La Asociación Vecinal para el Desarrollo Sostenible del Garruchal nace como un movimiento vecinal de residentes en un paraje natural de grandes valores paisajísticos, de fauna y flora, geología y uso agrícola: la Zona de Especial Protección para las Aves “Monte de El Valle y Sierras de Altahona y Escalona", hábitat con la mayor densidad mundial conocida de búho real. En ella desarrollamos iniciativas para mejorar la sostenibilidad de las actividades humanas realizando proyectos con un fuerte componente de participación ciudadana, apoyados por los acuerdos de colaboración con el Ayuntamiento de Murcia, Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia y Ministerio de Medio ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino, especialmente a través de la Confederación Hidrográfica del Segura.
Ayuntamiento de Hoyo de Manzanares - Spain
The Ecodevelopment area of the Municipality of Hoyo de Manzanares includes the departments of Environment and Local Development and its main function is to promote the development of the municipality, within a framework of sustainability and having as a crosscutting tool to all projects, the respect and preservation of our environment as our main resource. Our municipality integrates various figures of protection as the Regional Park of the Cuenca Alta of Manzanares, Biosphere Reserve and Site of Community Importance "Manzanares River Basin." Among others, the promotion of sustainable tourism is one of our current projects.
Bastet Conservation
Bastet Conservation is an NGO for the Conservation of Biodiversity created in 2009 to contribute to stop the alarming rate of extinction and habitat destruction ongoing today. All over the world Zoos are becoming Conservation Centers with the same purpose. With over 650 million visitors a year and thousands of species in their collections, Zoos have an enormous potential for this mission, but there is a lot of work to be done. That is why Bastet Conservation was born, to enhance the potential for Biodiversity Conservation of the 21st century Zoos through research, communication and colaboration
Biodiversidad Virtual
Virtual Biodiversity is a platform that intends to contribute to the conservation of species and habitats, to the popularization of nature and to collect and present data for the knowledge of biodiversity. The present project was born in 1995 as an invertebrate photo gallery. The members of our community contribute images to the eleven different theme galleries, where a team of more than two hundred experts, identify and order them in their corresponding taxonomic bank. Among the projects we will do in 2010, there are numerous Testings in Iberia and Morocco (meetings in the field to document biodiversity of an area by photographs), the creation of TaxoFoto (a virtual free access encyclopedia for the identification of Iberian species), VideoTaxo (identification of species and behaviors by video) and DiccioTaxo (an illustrated glossary of naturalist terminology).
Biodiversity Foundation
Fundación Biodiversidad (Biodiversity Foundation) was created by the Government of Spain in 1998, to contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. It collaborates with a large network of organisations and institutions in the public and private sectors and is currently funding over 400 projects a year. It also carries out its own projects and supports initiatives related to its five strategic lines:
1. Conservation and sustainable use of natural heritage and biodiversity 2. Sustainable development of the rural environment 3. Fight against climate change 4. Conservation of the marine environment 5. International cooperation
Cultural Society Maestro de Pozancos
Nuestra asociación realiza sus actividades en un pequeño valle próximo a la ciudad de Sigüenza, provincia de Guadalajara, España, y su principal objetivo es el enriquecimiento cultural de sus habitantes, con especial atención a la preservación y respeto del medio ambiente y a la integración de los diferentes grupos humanos que conviven en la zona.
Ecologists in Action
Ecologistas en Acción es una confederación compuesta por 300 grupos ecologistas de todo el pais, que desde 1989 viene trabajando en la defensa del medio ambiente en España, además de una amplia participación en el ámbito europeo.
Ecologistas en Acción anima a todos los ciudadanos y administraciones a que aprovechen la oportunidad del Año Internacional de la Diversidad Biológica para comprometerse en la conservación de la biodiversidad y poner los medios para lograr detener la pérdida de biodiversidad, para lo que desarrollará durante 2010 un amplio abanico de iniciativas.
Actuaciones (pdf)
El Colletero
El Colletero is an association founded in Nalda (La Rioja), in 2000, after the proposal and the one-year of accompanying of the PANAL association (Association for Promoting Recovery and Heritage Nalda). It is established to achieve sustainable development and equality of people of the Nalda Region in Spain, as to meet the needs posed by the people of this land located in rural areas.
El Guadarramista-digital newspaper
“El Guadarramista” is a digital newspaper focused in environmental information of the Mountain Range of Guadarrama and its surroundings, that is Ávila-Segovia and Madrid. News published have the objective of making the reader aware of the environmental riches of the Mountain Range of Guadarrama and the defense of these values by the communication media.
iBotanika is a platform which empowers people to express their "life in Green" and to discover and spread information about botany. The website enables its users to share photos and knowledge with their followers, find useful information and connect their botany experience with their social networks on Facebook or Twitter.
Our aim is to raise awareness of biodiversity in plants, get people involved and structure information in order to contribute with statistics to global projects like the GBIF and others. There are many people around the world doing fantastic data collection work but they have neither the experience nor the time to take care of website development and promotion to make their work available to a larger audience (enthusiasts, scientists and scholars). iBotanika wants to provide them these tools on a continuously improving technology platform especially designed for this purpose.
Sociedad De Ciencias Aranzadi
The Aranzadi Society of Sciences is a non-profit scientific asociation whose objetives are the scientific research, the popularization of science and the protection of both natural and cultural heritage. Founded in 1947, and nowadays constituted as a Research Centre, Aranzadi has become a reference for the scientific community as the recognition in 2001 as an organization of public utility pointed out. At present it has 1,540 members 150 of which are researchers on different scientific disciplines (Anthropology, Archaeology, Ethnography, Biology, Geography, Geology, History and Medicine) who develop their work at the organization.
Spanish Herpetological Association
The Spanish Herpetological Association (AHE) was founded in 1985, celebrating 25 years in 2010. Its objectives and purposes are non-profit and designed to encourage close cooperation between those who study amphibians and reptiles, channeled through conferences, meetings, workshops and publications.
AHE Promotes and coordinates the study of the herpetofauna, both theoretical and practical, as well as the conservation of herpetofauna and their environment. AHE Advises, directs and conducts studies, both nationally and internationally. A key project for 2010 is the consolidation of the SARE program for monitoring of Spanish amphibians and reptiles.
Summer Campus de Gandia: Culutral and Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean
The Gandia Summer Campus aims to contribute to the International Year of Biodiversity highlighting the role of the Polytechnic University of Valencia as an institution committed to the conservation of biological and cultural diversity. It consists of formative and cultural activities in July aimed at meeting the scientific and cultural concerns of students, professionals and general public who wish to enjoy their free time expanding their knowledge.
The Animal Biodiversity Resource Centre
The Animal Biodiversity Resource Centre (CRBA) is a service attached to the Facultat de Biologia of the Universitat de Barcelona. Its origin is placed around 1847, when the University established a Cabinet of Natural History to gather a collection of birds and mammals. The main function of the CRBA is the management of zoological collections that different researchers have entrusted. There are two types of collections, those used for issues related to teaching different subjects in grades of Biology and Environmental Sciences of the Facultat de Biologia and collections of scientific nature intended for studies and research. Other activities include the organization of exhibitions, expeditions, books, nature photography courses, the maintenance of a zoological images database, visits to secondary schools, etc.
El Centre de Recursos de Biodiversitat Animal (CRBA) és un servei de la Universitat de Barcelona, adscrit a la Facultat de Biologia. El seu origen se situa a l’any 1847 quant la Universitat va crear un Gabinet d’Història Natural per aplegar una col•lecció d’ocells i mamífers. La funció primordial del CRBA és gestionar les col•leccions zoològiques que té dipositades. D’aquestes col•leccions n’hi ha de dues menes, les que s’utilitzen per qüestions relacionades amb la docència de diferents assignatures dels graus de Biologia i de Ciències Ambientals de la Facultat de Biologia i les col•leccions de caràcter científic destinades a estudis i treballs de recerca. Altres activitats del CRBA són la realització d’exposicions, expedicions científiques, publicació de llibres, cursos de fotografia de la natura, banc d’imatges zoològiques, visites per a escoles de secundària, etc.
The Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente Foundation
The Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente Foundation was established in 2004. It aims to safeguard the legacy of Felix, pursuing his vision and spirit through projects in line with his philosophy and message. Our mission is to promote the message of Felix and raising environmental and scientific awareness.
Voz Natura
Voz Natura is an environmental education program born in 1997 with the aim of involving the school community of Galicia (Spain) in conservation, recovery and protection of nature. Participants develop projects of direct action —reforestation and plantations, clearance and recovery of degraded areas, etc. —; reduction, reuse, recycling, treatment of waste; protection of fauna, flora and ecosystems; awareness, research and sustainable development. 2,159 environmental projects have been implemented so far. In the academic year 2009 / 2010 —dedicated to biodiversity— have participated: 260 centres, 44.963 students and their families, 2.435 teachers and authorities and associations of the areas where environmental efforts have been developed.
Xarxa de Custòdia del Territori - (Land Stewardship Network)
The Xarxa de Custòdia del Territori –xct- (Land Stewardship Network) is a not-for-profit organization working to foster land stewardship as a conservation strategy for the natural, cultural and landscape resources and values of Catalonia and its environment. Established in 2003, the xct is a second-level organization made up of over 150 associations, foundations, city councils, enterprises and persons working in the land stewardship network.